Craveworthy Blog

Gregg Majewski of Craveworthy Brands on the Advantages of Being #2

Written by Craveworthy Brands | Aug 30, 2023 9:39:26 PM - Harnessing the Power of #2 - As Gregg Majewski climbed the ranks at Jimmy John's sandwich chain, he encountered fierce competition within the industry. Majewski recognized that surpassing the leading sandwich spot was a daunting task. However, he realized that by looking inward, the company could consistently enhance its prospects. This realization laid the foundation for his visionary concept of Craveworthy Brands.

The Everlasting Significance of Hospitality - Gregg Majewski and Craveworthy Brands prioritize hospitality above all else. Regardless of one's background, Majewski believes that treating individuals with kindness paves the way for reciprocated treatment. In Majewski's words, "In this world, hospitality reigns supreme."

The Indispensability of Human Interaction - Gregg Majewski is known for his outspoken nature, particularly when it comes to matters he feels passionate about, such as the displacement of human workers at the forefront of the hospitality industry. According to Majewski, the customer experience with robots simply cannot match the genuine connection offered by human interaction.